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Best Deals

Our Services

Manicures & Pedicures

Proper nail care helps keep our often-neglected areas beautiful and youthful. All implements are disinfected then UV sterilized for your protection. Cuticles are not cut, but properly exfoliated and pushed back. No credo blades are used. We prefer technology and superior products to achieve maximum results


Facial Treatments

Skin is the largest organ we have. Healthy unbroken skin protects us from injury. Proper skin care is necessary due to all of the environmental stresses we face everyday. A program that meets the needs of your skin care concerns is the best defense against the weathering effects that life imposes. Continued home care is important to maximize treatments and insure improvement. Your skin care therapist will help you design a routine that meets your individual needs and budget.Alongwith your skin care therapist you can help improve the appearance of your skin and gain many physical and emotional benefits.


Body Waxing

  • Brows  $12

    • includes measurement and arch correction

  • Lip $10

  • Underarm $15

  • Bikini $20 & up

  • Half Leg $25

  • Full Leg $45

  • Arms $20

  • Full Face $25

  • Chin $10


Massage & Body Treatments

Massages are customized for each person. Each massage includes a discussion of your lifestyle and incoprporates the correct massage for you. A guests’ privacy is always respected and they will be draped during each treatment. Massages are for women only.


Manicures & Pedicures

Proper nail care helps keep our often-neglected areas beautiful and youthful.

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Massages are customized for each person.

Facial Treatments

Skin is the largest organ we have. Come in and treat your skin.

Body Waxing

It helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury

Our Special Offer

You owe yourself this moment

Visit one of our multiple sessions of relaxation.
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